IQSTAR Power Amplifier Setup

IQSTAR Power Amplifier setup has been designed to characterize a 50Ohms Coaxial or On-Wafer Power Amplifier. Different combination of instruments allows to switch from scalar measurements setup to vectorial measurements setup. Below are presented a none exhaustive list of the combinations of instruments available:
Vectorial Measurements
  • S-Parameters Application : VNA, IV Power Supplies

    This configuration allows to perform S-Parameters measurement. The measured parameters are : S11, S12, S21, S22. To learn more see: S-Parameters Data.

    Note: To perform a full 2-Ports characterization of the DUT, the 'Four receivers measurement mode' option needs to be enabled in the Vector Network Analyzer settings.
  • 1-Tone Application: VNA, Input or Output Power Meter, IV Power Supplies

    This configuration allows to perform CW or Pulsed 1-Tone measurements. The power meter is needed only during the calibration step. The measured parameters are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM … at f0, 2.f0, 3f0. To learn more see : 1-Tone Data.

    Note: To measure S12, S22,a2 and GammaLoad, the 'Four receivers measurement mode' option needs to be enabled in the Vector Network Analyzer settings.
    It's also possible to use an external RF Source to generate a pulsed RF stimulus for example.
    In order to perform VSWR measurement, the following setup is required.
    Note: "Load tuner" is supported only in VNA based measurement using 4 receivers configuration.

    The measured parameters are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, GammLoad, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM, VSWR (magnitude and phase) … at f0, 2.f0, 3f0. To learn more see : 1-Tone Data.

  • 2-Tones Application: RF Source 1, VNA, Input or Output Power Meter, IV Power Supplies

    This configuration allows to perform CW or Pulsed 1-Tone and/or 2-Tones measurements. The power meter is needed only during the calibration step. The measured parameters are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM … at f1, f2, 2.f2-f1, 2.f1-f2 …To learn more see : 2-Tones Data.

    Note: To measure S22, a2 and GammaLoad, the 'Four receivers measurement mode' option needs to be enabled in the Vector Network Analyzer settings.
    It's also possible to use an external RF Source to generate a pulsed RF stimulus as example.
    In order to perform VSWR measurement, the following setup is required.
    Note: "Load tuner" is supported only in VNA based measurement using 4 receivers configuration.

The measured parameters are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM, VSWR (magnitude and phase) … at f1, f2, 2.f2-f1, 2.f1-f2 …To learn more see : 2-Tones Data.
  • Modulated & NPR Applications: RF Source 1, VNA with Spectrum options (Supported Vector Network Analyzers), Input or Output Power Meter, IV Power Supplies

  • This configuration allows to perform CW or Pulsed 1-Tone, 2-tones, Modulated and NPR measurements. The power meter is needed only during the calibration step.

    The measured parameters in 1-tone are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM … at f0, 2.f0, 3f0. To learn more see : 1-Tone Data.

    The measured parameters in 2-tones are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM … at f1, f2, 2.f2-f1, 2.f1-f2 …To learn more see : 2-Tones Data.

    The measured parameters in Modulated are : Pin_available, Pout, Gt, Transducer Efficiency, ACPR… only at fundamental frequency. To learn more see Modulated Data.

    The measured parameters in NPR are : a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM, NPR … at f0. . To learn more see NPR Measurements.

Vectorial Multipath Measurements

Adding I/O Switch in top of regular Vectorial Measurements described above, this configuration allows to characterize multiple DUTs sequentially.

Scalar Measurements

  • 1-Tone Application

    This configuration allows to perform 1-Tone CW or Pulsed (using Pulsed power meter) measurements. The measured parameters are : Pin_available, Pout, Gt, Transducer Efficiency, … only at fundamental frequency

    It is possible to add a third power meter to measure reflected power at the input (see figure above) and extract additional parameters like: IRL, Pin deliverd PAE, Gp... To learn more see : 1-Tone Data.
    By adding a VSA, it is possible to measure the output spectrum or the output spurious:

    Regarding themeasurement selected, a new trace will be available at the output (Spectrum trace or Spurious trace).
    • 2-Tone Application

      This configuration allows to perform CW or Pulsed 1-Tone and/or 2-Tone measurements on top of all the possible measurements described in the 1-Tone application section above. The additional measured parameters are : IMDx, OIPx, IIPx … To learn more see : 2-Tones Data.
      Note: In this case, the absolute average power values (Pin_available, Pout, Gt …)are measured through the power sensor, whereas the relative figure of merit as IMDx, OIPx, IIPx are measured through the Spectrum or VSA. As the power sensors are wideband receivers, isn't possible to measure separetly the powers at f1 & f2, therefore no 2-tones balance optimization can be done.
    • Modulated Signal Application

      This configuration allows to perform 1-Tone measurements and Modulated signal analysis in CW or Pulsed (using Pulsed power meter). The measured parameters are : Pin_available, Pout, Gt, Transducer Efficiency, ACPR, PAPR, AMAM/AMPM dynamic (depending on the VSA and VSG used) … only at fundamental frequency. To learn more see Modulated Data.

Scalar Multipath Measurements

Adding I/O Switch in top of regular Scalar Measurements described above, this configuration allows to characterize multiple DUTs sequentially.
  • Vectorial & Scalar Measurement

    This configuration allows to perform, in CW or Pulsed ,1-Tone, 2-Tones and Modulated signal analysis. The measured parameters are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM, ACPR, PAPR, AMAM/AMPM dynamic (depending on the VSA and VSG used), ... To learn more see : Output data.

  • Vectorial & Scalar Measurements with Probe Station

This configuration allows to perform, in CW or Pulsed, 1-Tone, 2-Tones and Modulated signal analysis following a wafer plan. The measured parameters are : S11, S21, a1, b1, b2, GammaIn, Pin_available, Pin_delivered, Pout, Gt, Gp, PAE, AMPM, ACPR, PAPR, AMAM/AMPM dynamic (depending on the VSA and VSG used), ... To learn more see : Output data.

Multipath Vectorial & Scalar Measurement

Adding I/O Switch in top of regular Vectorial & Scalar Measurements described above, this configuration allows to characterize multiple DUTs sequentially.