Thermal Manager

Standard Thermal management

The thermal manager is a tool used to control the thermal aspect of the setup. It is intended to regulate the temperature of the associated unit declared in the setup. It is accessible from the icon or from the shortcut located in Measurement > Hardware Control and once the bench is initialized.

Once the bench is initialized, the Thermostat temperature can be set without optimization, therefore without blocking the application until the target temperature is reached.

Click on ‘Power ON’ button to turn on the Thermal Station.

Once 'ON', it is possible to enter the values in the Temperature editor, the value is only applied when 'Apply levels' is clicked. At this moment, IQSTAR applies the temperature and runs a thermal and/or pressure measurement.

Measurement can be refreshed using 'Measure'.

'Power OFF' button switches off the Thermal Station.

On the left part, optimize button is used to select an thermal optimization profile to apply. It is only available when profiles have been saved. See the next section about Optimization for more details.

Optimized Thermal management

The thermal optimization is a tool accessible when the bench is initialized. This panel is always accessible from shortcut on the right side . This tool will optimize the Thermostat temperature, therefore the application will be locked until the target temperature is reached. This is usefull to manage temperature sweep in the Sweep Plan.

From this panel, the temperature can be regulated using the declared Thermal Controller. In order to work properly, several parameters can be used:
  • Temperature: Target to achieve using the regulation
  • Tolerance: Temperature delta allowed around the target.
  • Stabilization time: Time to wait into the accepted temperature intervals to declare the regulation as valid and continue the measurement process.
  • Timeout: Maximum time to wait before aborting the temperature regulation.

Once the parameters are set, the button can be clicked to launch the regulation.

The button in the progress will be accessible to end prematurely the optimization.