4. Create a Waveform

Waveform Generator is a tool to create IQ waveform files. IQSTAR waveform generator helps create a modulated waveform which can be used during Modulation Measurements or I/Q Measurements.

The interface allows build complex IQ waveforms without programming skills requirements.

The waveform Generator can be used for different modulation schemes:

The Waveform Generator is a separate module accessible from the shortcut on the right side or by expanding "Measurement" > "Hardware Control" on the left under “Plug-ins”.

Waveform Configuration

This panel allows to define different waveform settings as Constellation, TestModel, Symbol Rate, Symbol Count, Bit Source, Oversampling, Windowing, Filtering options or Crest Factor Reduction.

Waveform Display

Click on "Preview" to build and visualize the waveform. Clicking on Graph type, you can choose to plot different waveform's FOM (Figure Of Merit), such as Spectrum, CCDF, IQ envelope, Constellation or EVM vs Time.

On the right side, the main waveform's FOM are summarized (Sample Rate, Duration, Point count, PAPR, EVM values and ACPR values).

Note: ACPR values are computed from ACP settings defined in ACP tab. To learn more on ACP definition see Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR).
Note: ACP settings done in the Waveform Generator will be automatically updated and applied during the Modulation Measurements and I/Q Measurements.
Note: In case of NPR signal, NPR values are computed from NRP settings defined in NRP tab. To learn more on NRP definition see NPR

Note: NPR settings done in the Waveform Generator will be automatically updated and applied during the NPR Measurements

Save Waveform

Click on "Save" to save the waveform in *.iwf format which is an adapted extension for the whiteboard visualization.
Note: The waveform file can also be saved in *.txt file by selecting "All Files" in the Files of type section.
Note: The waveform does not need to be saved when From Waveform Generator is selected in Modulation Measurements or I/Q Measurements.