2. Calibrate a Setup

Circuit characterization must be done at an exact reference plane. RF receivers' are used to measure different parameters related to the behavior of the device under test. Still, the connection is through multiple components (cables, adapters, external coupler, attenuators, power driver …), which introduce an offset in amplitude and phase that can mask the actual response of the DUT.
The calibration process allows for correcting the receivers' measurement to the DUT reference plane. Depending on the measurement type and the level of accuracy needed for the measurements, different calibrations are available in the software. Quick checks can be performed at specific steps of the process to verify the accuracy. To learn more see Validate Calibration.

IQSTAR Calibration Wizard provides different calibration methods depending on the setup and on the measurement types:

  • Vectorial VNA Calibration: Vector Receiver-based measurements (VNA) have to be calibrated using error terms model equations to remove systematic errors . Measuring high quality standards (short, open, load, and thru) allows the analyzer to solve the error model and to extract the error terms, in magnitude and phase. Vector Network Analyzer based measurements are narrowband and allow measuring S-parameters as well as power waves for CW, Pulsed, Harmonic and 2-tone signals.
  • Scalar Calibration: Scalar Receiver-based measurements (Power Sensor) have to be calibrated in order to correct the absolute power measured by the receivers taking into account the loses or gains in the setup. Power Sensor based measurements are wideband and allow measuring power level for CW, Pulsed and Modulated Signals.
  • Mtune Characterization Wizard: Tuner pre-characterization calibration has to be done in order to control properly tuner using (*.tun) file.