IQSTAR Release Notes
1.7 - 2024/04/05
New Modules of this release
- Module MSYS-HMON: Hardware monitoring
Main features of this release
- New Setup tools:
- Hardware Monitoring; related script functions and sweep plan added
- Thermal tools: Thermal Manager and Thermal Optimization (new version); related script functions and sweep plan actions have been updated
- RF Source Controller; related script functions added
- RF Power sensors manager; related script functions added
- New hardware:
- Power Meter Matrix hardware
- Pressure Sensor in Thermal Station hardware
- New Calibration Method:
- S-parameters file based scalar calibration
- Sweep plan:
- Step by step execution mode (with highlighted actions)
- Semi Automatic mode, can perform measurement from Setup Editor during Sweep Plan pause
- Measurement curve
- New Variable: thermal station measurement (temperature command, temperature measurement and pressure measurement)
- New Data: Time and Praw
- Export
- S2P files: added wafer information (X, Y and sub-die) in the header
- S2P files: added thermal station measurement (temperature command, temperature measurement and pressure measurement) in the header
Bug fixes
- Fixed the list of available levels for Trace I/Q curve, deleted levels that have no data
- Fixed an issue with view tabs during a drag and drop operation, the cursor was not reset after a mouse release when a system box was displayed before
Setup: General
New features
- Pressure measurement
- Power Meter Matrix measurement
- Added *.tunx file support in setup files
Bug fixes
- Fixed the list of available tags, it was not refreshed when hardware state changed
- Fixed biasing command in pulsed mode, the command was available only if monitor mode is pulsed instead of checking the generator mode
- Fixed the timeout of Thermal Optimization tool, the timeout was not respected
Setup: Coaxial Power Amplifier
- All measurement
- Added wafer tags (X, Y, sub-die) to available tag list for measurement and file name
- 3-Tones Measurement
- Update the default settings delta tone powers: dBm (instead of dBc)
Bug fixes
- I/Q Measurement
- Fixed RF source state after measurement; RF source was power ON at the last point while right after it was power OFF.
- 3-Tones Measurement
- Editor: fixed graph Y text
- Added index data in real-time viewer
Waveform Generator
Bug fixes
- NR5G: fixed default ACP for 15MHz bandwidth
Sweep plan
New features
- Step by step execution mode (with highlighted actions)
- Remote control mode, can perform measurement from Setup Editor during Sweep Plan breakpoint
New Actions
- Basic: breakpoint
- Harware Monitor: start, stop, resume, pause, update refresh time
- Thermal Station: change power state, optimize temperature
Removed Actions
- Thermal Station: power off
- New option for the Start Measurement action: Switch to measurement tab
New functions
- Thermal Station: msys.thermalctrl.powerstate, msys.thermalctrl.temperature, msys.thermalctrl.pressure
- RF Source Controller: msys.rfsourcectrl.configure, msys.rfsourcectrl.powerstate, msys.rfsourcectrl.uploadwfm
- RF Power Monitor: msys.rfpowermon.frequency, msys.rfpowermon.measure
Removed functions
- Thermal Station: msys.thermalctrl.poweroff
Bug fixes
- NPR and 3-Tones measurement was not available in script
1.6 - 2023/11/17
New Modules of this release
- Module IQS100B-21: IQSTAR low frequency behavioral model extraction bench control (3-tones CW and Pulsed mode)
- Module WFG100-12: Waveform Generator/Demodulator: NR5G
- Module WFG100-11: Waveform Generator/Demodulator: LTE
Main features of this release
- IV measurement: function calls optimization to improve measurement speed
- NR5G waveform generator, using IQSTAR Matlab Runtim (MCR)
- LTE waveform generator, new version using IQSTAR Matlab Runtim (MCR)
- NR5G waveform demodulator, using IQSTAR Matlab Runtim (MCR)
- LTE waveform demodulator, using IQSTAR Matlab Runtim (MCR)
- Multi-carrier demodulation (LTE and NR5G waveforms)
- New EVM sub-traces: EVM vs Sub-carrier; EVM vs resource block (LTE and NR5G waveforms)
- I/Q measurement, save memory usage: skip trace measurements, remove trace duplication, clear viewer, ...
- Waveform scripting functions: generation and demodulation of PSK/QAM, LTE and NR5G waveforms
- Waveform APSK16 added in PSK/QAM module
Remove features
- Removed MTune installer from IQSTAR installer
- Export
- Added f0 as variable in I/Q traces
Bug fixes
- Fixed a fatal issue with dialog box, when we drag a file from/into this dialog
- Export
- Fixed an issue in IM/IMX export, pulse state was lost if quiescent and pulse values were identical for <biasingcmd> and <biasing>
- Unlocked up to 30 auxiliaries for SnP formats export
- Fixed export settings configuration, DPD data are correctly added
- Fixed and improved profiles management in Impedance Editor.
- Fixed subschematic title color in light theme
Setup: General
Remove features
- Removed MTune installer from IQSTAR installer
- All measurement
- IV measurement: function calls optimization to improve measurement speed
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue during export when "all file filter" was selected
- Tuner: fixed initialization, it was not correctly done
- Frequency editor: disabled tab "1-Tone" in measurement
- Spurious
- Fixed maximum normalization
- Fixed: thermal station optimization timeout was not working
Setup: Coaxial Power Amplifier
New features
- 3-Tones CW and Pulsed Measurement.
- Multi-carrier demodulation (LTE and NR5G waveforms)
- New traces: EVM vs Sub-carrier; EVM vs resource block (LTE and NR5G waveforms)
- I/Q Measurement
- New peak data: Pout Peak, Pin Available Peak and GT peak (and all declined versions and DPD versions)
- I/Q Measurement
- Added possibility to skip I/Q measurement sub-traces; no displayed in real-time viewer (save memory usage) but available in I/Q viewer and Whiteboard
- Added possibility to skip EVM demodulation; no displayed in real-time viewer (faster measurement) but available in I/Q viewer and Whiteboard
- Removed trace duplication to save memory.
- Raw Power calibration
- Added possibility to change the step
- Added stop condition 'Pin max'
- Renamed setup option: "Use a Trigger Box in Fast CW measurement" to "Apply Single on VNA at initialization (mandatory for Fast CW or apply VNA trigger settings)"
Bug fixes
- Waveform
- Fixed text waveform reader (invalid values count)
- I/Q Measurement
- Fixed IQ rotation without alignment.
- Fixed computation of waveform points based on interval and sample duration
- NPR measurement
- Removed tone spacing from UI, it is now calculated
- Real-Time viewer: added possibility to clear the viewer
- Added log for axis
- Added global data cache for all graph of the same viewer to improve display speed
- Separates the Constellation trace into two traces: one without DPD and one with DPD
Waveform Generator
New features
- New modulation: NRG using IQSTAR Matlab Runtim (MCR)
- Added possibility to clear history and to disable it
- Waveform APSK16 in PSK/QAM module
- New button layout (Generate, Demodulated, Default ACP, Default NPR)
- LTE waveform: new version using IQSTAR Matlab Runtim (MCR
- Multi-carrier measurement (LTE and NR5G waveforms)
- New traces: EVM vs Sub-carrier; EVM vs resource block
Bug fixes
- Fixed export of waveform: all digits exported (rounding removed)
- Fixed ACP computation, UI is not freezing anymore
New functions
- Generation 'wfmgen' and demodulation 'wfmdemod' waveform
- Modulation: PSK/QAM 'pskqam', LTE 'lte', NR5G 'nr5g'
- Filter: Raised Cosine 'wfmrcfilter' and Low Pass filter 'wfmlowpassfilter'
- Multi-carrier: 'wfmmulticarrier'
- Crest Factor Reduction: 'wfmcfr'
Bug fixes
- Fixed measurement from script environment (happened when Setup Editor was never initialized before)
- Fixed script documentation for msys.setup.create and msys.meas.create functions (incomplete IDs list)
- Fixed measurement export from script environment
Data Editor
- Added an information message on top of data list to assist user
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with unit; data was not correctly computed in viewer.
1.5.1 - 2023/07/28
Bug fixes
- Viewers
- 2-Tones: added missing data (GT @f1, Gt @f2, ...) for scalar measurement curve.
Setup: General
- Spurious/Spectrum
- New version of normalization for better understanding: raw spectrum, normalize by maximum or normalize by pout.
Bug fixes
- Fixed "Keep RF ON between 2 curves" and "Keep RF ON between 2 points" implementation to be compliant with "Keep RF ON after measurement" feature.
- Modulated measurement: added error message if no measurement has been selected in receiver panel.
- Impedance editor
- Fixed issue with bad values that freezing the application.
- Fixed the sort of VSWR values.
- Real-Time viewer
- Fixed table in 2-Tones measurement.
- Fixed the computation of AMPM offset.
Setup: Coaxial Power Amplifier
Bug fixes
- All Measurement
- Fixed AM/PM computation regression.
- NPR measurement
- Fixed computation of NPR values.
- Calibration
- On-Wafer calibration
- Updated the name of the field to choose port for better understanding.
- Raw Power calibration
- Frequencies could not be updated.
- Enhanced calibration
- Fixed frequencies issue when performing power calibration at the same time.
- On-Wafer calibration
Setup: Wave Guide Power Amplifier
Bug fixes
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Spurious: added forgotten option "point count".
Bug fixes
- DUT optimization: fixed the possibility to override values (fixed and sweep).
1.5 - 2023/04/21
New Modules of this release
- Module IQS100B-12: Multipath Measurements
- Module IQS100B-31: Noise Power Ratio Measurement
Main features of this release
- VNA based Noise Power Ratio Measurement
- Thermal Control & Monitoring
- Multipath Measurement
- Spectrum/spurious measurement using VNA
- Modulated measurement using VNA
- Custom Data: feature to measure custom data in modulated measurement
- Core
- New unit: Pressure
- New 2-Tones data: GT and GP at f1 and f2
- New S-Parameters data: Group Delay
- Viewers
- New data: B2/A1 ratio (was already available in WhiteBoard)
- Import/Export
- Renamed 'Enable compatibility mode' into 'Text mode' (IM/IMX export).
- S-Parameters: fixed default preview for curve exported in imx.
Bug fixes
- Viewers
- Fixed computation of AMPM degree: perform unwrap (was already done in WhiteBoard).
- Updated the name of "VSWR" to "VSWR In" to match with "VSWR Load".
- S-Parameters: changed default value for spline (false by default now).
Setup: General
New features
- Thermal Measurement.
- Temperature is now provided by thermal station (instead of prober).
- Modulated measurement
- Custom Data
- Increased a the maximum number of supported auxiliary to 30 (previous value was 20)
- New Prober schematic image
- Added button to perform power meter calibration during power sensor calibration process in all VNA calibration.
- Moved the setup option "Keep RF on after measurement" to measurement option: 'Power action: RF stress'.
- Spurious
- Normalization option
- Adapted the RBW to noise floor
- Duplicate segment feature
- Custom DANL value
- Threshold optimization
- Added new stop condition: Efficiency Compression.
- Updated the precision of number notation to 5 (previous value was 3).
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where 'im' files didn't accept the 'append file' feature.
- Driver amplifier: fixed computation of maximum S21
- S-Parameters 2-Ports curve: new "Max Gain" data, in dB; the linear version already exists and has been renamed "Max Gain (Linear)" to avoid confusion.
- Parametric method: fixed valid flag, if maximum flag is allowed, the level is not checked anymore.
- Measurement Editor: fixed unit for PAE compression (%).
- Fixed table issue (force stop cell editing before any operation).
- Fixed issue with export; even if export was canceled, the file was created.
- Spurious
- Fixed error message of spurious constant segment creator, invalid line separator.
- Segment table was clickable even if not available.
- Udated maximum RBW to 1e6 instead of 100e3.
- Calibration
- Validate Calibration: fixed graph axis X data name.
- Fixed selected calibration report and additional actions when rows are sorted.
Remove features
- Tuner: remove manual mode.
Setup: Coaxial Power Amplifier
New features
- NPR Measurement
- Multipath Measurement
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Spectrum/spurious measurement with VNA
- Modulated measurement
- Spectrum and ACP measurement with VNA
- I/Q measurement
- New instrument DPD model: AMD-Xilinx
- General
- Add option to force tuner init at the bench initialization.
- Calibration
- 1-Port Enhanced
- Send fewer commands and speed up the measurement time.
- 1-Port Enhanced
Bug fixes
- All Measurement
- Fixed frequency by power measurement with stop condition: measurement was stop even if at least one frequency/gamma was still available.
- Smart sweep: IV waveform not measured on last point
- Fixed DC measurement: all accesses were always measured.
- S-Parameters measurement
- Fixed issue with file tags. The extension was always "s2p" and not correctly managed.
- Fixed config file issue, frequency interpolation flag was not saved.
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Spurious table was clickable even if not available.
- Modulated measurement
- Fixed DC measurement issue: all accesses were always measured.
- I/Q measurement
- Fixed DC measurement issue: all accesses were always measured.
- Calibration
- Fixed null pointer issue during redo operation.
- 1-Port Enhanced
- Traces are now defined on RF source port instead of VNA input port (amplitude and thru calibration step)
- Use "ON" instead of "AUTO" for power state (amplitude calibration step)
- Fixed the display value of graph of amplitude calibration step
- Fixed some page title (missing space).
- Coaxial Calibration
- Fixed the display value of graph of amplitude calibration calibration
Setup: Wave Guide Power Amplifier
Bug fixes
- All Measurement
- Smart sweep: IV waveform not measured on last point
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Spurious table was clickable even if not available.
- Calibration
- Fixed validate calibration issue, down converter was taking into account.
- Raw Power Calibration: fixed legend visibility
Waveform Generator
New features
- New modulation: NPR
Bug fixes
- LTE: fixed waveform size when target sub-frames superior to 10.
Sweep Plan
New Actions
- Basic actions
- Stop: stop the sweep plan
- Setup and Measurement actions
- New Calibration: create a calibration
- Validate Calibration: start validate calibration wizard
- Switch Manager actions
- Change active path: update the active path
- Active path sweep: sweep of active path
- Thermal Manager actions
- Power OFF: power OFF the thermal controller
- Change temperature: start temprature optimization
- Temperature sweep: sweep of temprature optimization
- Tuner Manager actions
- Move To Init: move the tuner at init position
- Move To 50Ohms: move the tuner at 50Ohms position
- General
- A maximum number of loop can be defined now.
- Message Action
- Now confirmable and cancelable, and icon an be changed
- Change Configuration Action
- Calibrations are now listed in descending order; their names have been also tweaked to display creation date/time
- New calibration selection mode: keep current selection.
Remove Actions
- Prober Manager actions
- Change chuck temperature (remplaced by Change temperature of Thermal Controller)
- Chuck temperature sweep (remplaced by Temperature sweep of Thermal Controller)
Bug fixes
- Fixed unwanted switch of modification flag when editing a script action, and fixed activation state of components when settings have been loaded.
- Fixed DUT biasing power state function, reset levels was not taking into account.
New Functions
- Thermal Controller
- msys.thermalctrl.optimize: performs an temperature optimization.
- msys.thermalctrl.poweroff: turns OFF the thermal controller.
- New optional parameter 'measId' for 'msys.setup.asknewcal' and 'msys.setup.askvalidatecal' functions.
Bug fixes
- Fixed findmin/findmax functions, NaN is now ignored.
1.4 - 2022/10/28
New Modules of this release
- New measurement module IQS200B: Wave Guide Power Amplifier Setup
- Module IQS200B-10: Scalar Bench Control, 1-Tone Measurement
- Module IQS200B-20: IMD Control, 2-Tones Measurement
- Module IQS200B-25: FAST Spurious Detection
- Module IQS200B-30: Modulated Signal Control and Measurements
- New module: Virtual mode allows to run IQSTAR in virtual to develop script Off-line.
Main features of this release
- IQ6400: close-loop DPD
- IV screenshot in 1-Tone measurement
- DUT Optimization: optimization on Pulsed values
- Quiescent Current Stabilization: added possibility to choose IV Measurement Location: Pulsed or Quiescent.
- Customizable metadata.
- Option tooltips for drivers
- Measurement can be directly exported in all supported file format by IQSTAR (*.csv, *.mdf, *.imx …)
- Sweep Plan: added 'Break loop if error' for nestable actions
- Scripting: major performance boost.
- Application
- Replaced system dialog boxes (open, save as) by modern one (requires Windows Vista or newer).
- Improved export (data sources tab); configuration panel is displayed again if export fails, but only for data issues, not for I/O issues.
- Import/Export
- Greatly improved performances when exporting IM files; it also improves its loading time.
- Small performance improvement when writing binary data (also reduced memory footprint).
- Date/Time values are now in UTC format.
Bug fixes
- Application
- Fixed About window: name of some modules were missing and invalid plug-ins timestamps
- Fixed plug-ins loading order (loading was broken in some circumstances).
- Fixed non closable tabs that could be closed with a middle click.
- Fixed rounding algorithm (a precision of zero must convert it to nearest integer)
- Fixed HTML/XML character escaping; "'" is only compliant with HTML 5, it has been replaced by "'".
- Import/Export
- Fixed a loading issue when quiescent voltage and current were missing in measurement conditions, now set to NaN if missing when loaded.
- IM export: fixed performance issues when exporting files (wrong compression settings).
- SnP import: fixed file import. Import/Export are now coherent (missing some frequency unit)
- SPL export: fixed export issues (gamma source values, size of variables, ...)
- SPL export: fixed default export profile
- Toolbox
- De-Embedding Toolbox: fixed export file extension.
New features
- General
- New home page (modern user interface with detailed information about available setups and their settings in loading mode).
- Added IV screenshot in 1-Tone measurement
- DUT Optimization: optimization can now be performed on pulsed values
- Customizable metadata in every measurement (custom variables in generated measurement files).
- General
- Measurement can be directly exported in all supported file format by IQSTAR. Added option to export in IMX in addition of selected format.
- Measurement title and output file can be tagged with IV pulsed values
- Quiescent Current Stabilization: added possibility to choose IV Measurement Location: Pulsed or Quiescent.
- Advanced options: displayed min/max values
- Prober: coordinates are now displayed.
- Prober: added a warning text in Temperature section of prober controller, to warn user about operation duration (can be long).
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Added possibility to choose output trace point for spurious measurement
- Modulated measurement
- Added new data: ACPR delta (between upper and lower value)
- I/Q measurement
- Added new data: ACPR delta (between upper and lower value)
Bug fixes
- General
- Setup: fixed setup and sweep plan files loading with external tools (7-Zip, Python, etc.).
- Setup: fixed setup switch in sweep plan, old setup was shutdown *after* initialization of new one.
- Setup: fixed setup opening with Windows file association when a setup was already opened and initialized, operation is now forbidden.
- Tuner manager: fixed crash issue.
- Schematic: fixed refresh issue of file selector in Coupler hardware. When a file was added, there was not available in the other selector.
- VSWR: fixed a parsing issue in impedance editor (VSWR pattern, maximum VSWR value).
- Sweep Plan
- Fixed issue with setup updating.
- 1-Tone Measurement
- CW measurement: force VNA to hold before configuring DMM to be sure they will start at the same time when VNA will be set to SINGLE.
- Fixed configuration panel issue, when a VSA supports the Spectrum function of the 1-Ton but not the Spurious function, it was impossible to go back to the Spectrum selection without shutdown / Init setup.
- Modulated Measurement
- Fixed issue in Modulated measurement with User modulation. Source was forced to ARB after the recall state. It could break the configuration of the instrument.
- I/Q measurement
- Fixed DPD issue with Matlab; script names can now include spaces
- Fixed DPD issue with Matlab; Matlab 2022a is now working
- Fixed issue with Nanosemi DPD
- Fixed missing ACPR values in output file
- Calibration
- Fixed issue with report when removing calibration.
- Fixed X axis unit in calibration check.
Sweep Plan
New features
- New 'Break loop if error' for nestable actions.
- New 'Fails if error' for Start Measurement action.
- 'sweepplan' script variable is now accessible from sweep plan itself (scripting license option required).
New features
- Major performance boost.
- Script files can now be dragged and dropped from outside (single or multiple at once).
- Changed parameters order for 'csvformat' function: data them variables (only data is mandatory).
- Changed behavior of 'wbfiltervalue' function in range mode; now a vertical vector of two values (minimum/maximum) is expected for ranges; horizontal vectors are reserved for new custom selection mode.
- Reworked 'viewdata', 'datainfo' and 'varinfo' functions; new ID parameter (automatic generation if missing, done with new algorithm). No backward compatibility. A null 'complexpart' means complex data remain untouched now (new feature).
- Reworked syntax of 'viewdata' function, reduced mandatory parameters to three (axis, level ID and data ID).
- Simplified dump for 'stroke' function (to reduce generated code when editing a Whiteboard graph in script mode for example).
- The 'varlist' function now lists valid variables only.
- Improved 'datestr' function, an additional time zone can be specified (optional parameter so backward compatibility is still here, same IDs than TimeZone Java API).
- Added an optional 'tolerance' argument to 'unwrap' function, and improved its algorithm
- Allowed Levels definition for user data
- Reworked the whole pooling API; new parallel pool 'parpool', new 'synchronized' and 'thread' keywords; 'jobstatus' function has been renamed into 'taskstatus'
- New 'msys.meas.stop' and 'msys.sweepplan.stop' functions.
- New 'scale' and 'scalable' properties for Whiteboard page objects. A non-scalable page cannot be zoomed/dezommed.
Bug fixes
- Fixed multi-variable assignment with matrices and column vectors (e.g. [a; [b, c]; d] = [1,2; 3,4; 5,6] gives a=[1,2], b=3, c=4, d=[5,6]).
- Fixed error detection in 'wmabs2rel' and 'wmrel2abs' functions.
- Fixed 'wbout' function when passed control does not support output data; this function has no effect in this case.
- Multiple documentation fixes and improvements.
- Fixed broken scriptpath() and currentdir() functions.
1.3 - 2022/02/14
New Modules of this release
- New measurement module IQS100B-25: Spurious detection
- New measurement module IQS100B-22: VSWR measurements
- New waveform generator module Wave-01: Custom OFDM, LTE downlink, Multi-carrier
Main features of this release
- Fast CW acquisition
- DC Measurement selection
- IQ Measurement Interval selection
- Crest Factor Reduction
- New data: Reference Magnitude Power, Normalized Spectrum
- New variable for I/Q curve raw: Pin Available and Pout.
- New common curve variables: device revision/sn/technology/periphery, laboratory contact/department/Address, operator contact, wafer name/description.
- Import/Export
- CSV: variables are now included in the export
Bug fixes
- Import/Export
- MDIF: fixed issue with user data (array-outbound exception when data have a size different than native data)
- CSV: fixed "add all" function issue: imaginary part of complex data are now also added.
- CSV: Support of variables from script added.
New features
- General
- New version of the real-time measurement viewer
- Passive tuner, auto de-embedding calibration and VSWR measurement
- Fast CW acquisition
- Spurious detection
- New IV feature: Enable the choice of IV voltage/current to measure.
- I/Q Measurement
- Possibility to measure part or all of the waveform
- General
- New setup option: keep RF ON between two points.
- New parametric method: PAPR
- Setting panels can be resizeable
- New dark theme
- Possibility to export in IM file
- Sweep Plan
- DUT optimization sweep action
- 1-Tone Measurement
- New data: harmonic (1-Tone)
- I/Q measurement
- New spectrum algorithm
- Improved CCDF computation (faster)
- Export: I/Q data are now normalized and corrected.
- Editor: Waveform information (duration, point count, ..) added
- Calibration
- Option to power OFF the source during some steps of the calibration.
Bug fixes
- General
- VNA instrument: fixed initialization issue, internal RF source must be initialized before VNA
- Frequency editor: fixed UI issue in 2-Tones panel.
- Fixed issue with big sampling rate (e.g. 4.2GMS/s), was not correctly used
- IV instrument: fixed access names when they have default values.
- Fixed name of output spectrum frequency data
- Tuning Target: fixed panel UI issue when selecting sign 'inside' or 'outside'
- Fixed power level at DUT ref plane; raw power offset was not taking into account
- Forced to default level before updating frequency (because with some instruments, frequency updating can take time)
- Trigger source is now available on chronogram
- Sweep Plan
- Fixed issue where the setup was not correctly updated
- Fixed file not overwritten at report update
- Functions that manage application console like 'cls' were not working.
- 2-Tones Measurement
- Delta is now exported
- S-Parameters Measurement
- Fixed max gain computation (log10(x) instead of 10*log10(*)
- Fixed marker issue. Did not work with spline curve
- I/Q measurement
- Fixed ACPR calculation
- Fixed issue with waveform generator: sampling rate was not updated
- Calibration
- Fixed coaxial initialization
- Fixed schematic mistake: internal RF source was not displayed on the right port.
- Fixed UI issue. Calibration additional actions were not updated when setup changed
- Fixed data and unit of X axis during check calibration
Waveform Generator
New features
- General
- UI reorganization
- New modulations: Custom OFDM, LTE downlink, Multi-carrier and Crest Factor Reduction
- Added CFR feature for all modulations.
- General
- New viewer version
- Added contour graph for VSWR measurement
- Added new trace: Spurious
Bug fixes
- S-Parameters Viewer
- Fixed max gain computation (log10(x) instead of 10*log10(*)
1.2 - 2021/06/16
Main features of this release
- New I/Q measurement: EVM on Symbol
- New DPD algorithm: Sample base, Memory Less, MP, GMP, Nanosemi, Matlab
- I/Q measurement speed improvement
- New measurement feature: 1-Tone + Spectrum
- S-Parameters: Single Shot Sweep
- Viewers: added many options to manage display
New features
- New curve coloration: density point
- Added a notification system for events and console tabs (red marker when a new event or a new message is added).
- Import/Export
- Added new import/export: CTI.
Bug fixes
- General
- Fixed the lack of error message when we try to import a measurement file with an unknown extension
- Import/Export
- Fixed issues with MDIF export (size of I/Q data, ...).
New features
- General
- New version of Limit Specs: to allow multiple curves
- Added new feature for DUT biasing and DUT Optimization: profiles
- Added tags feature for measurement titles. Moreover, the default titles are typed in relation to the measure
- Sweep Plan
- Open File: open any file with software attached to its extension (based on Windows settings)
- Load Measurement File: loads the output file from current measurement configuration into Datasources tree
- Load Report: update Report and Generate Report
- DUT Optimization sweep
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Spectrum trace measurement
- I/Q Measurement
- DPD measurement (Sample base, Memory Less, MP, GMP, Matlab, Nanosemi)
- EVM on Signal measurement and renamed old one to EVM on Symbol
- I/Q alignment: added new algorithm “Time Domain alignment”; Renamed old one as "Frequency Domain Alignment"
- New version of PAPR compression stop condition: added possibility to choose between linear and maximum compression
- Modulated Measurement
- New version of PAPR compression stop condition: added possibility to choose between linear and maximum compression
- S-Parameters Measurement
- New measurement mode: Single Shot Sweep
- Calibration
- Calibration report: added one history curve
- General
- The colors of the curves are updated according to the theme
- Added new default unit in setup option: frequency bandwidth
- Added interpolation option for attenuator offset file of power meter
- Added shortcut to fill sweep editor from file
- Added new data: Delta and Center frequency
- Linked profiles from measurements and viewers
- Added option to spline curves
- Added possibility to force a profile at the beginning of measurement
- Improved measurement/calibration speed by removing useless commands
- Exported frequency as data
- New version for profile file name: match with windows checker (allowed [ ], starting with numbers, etc...)
- Added possibility to check all IV power supplies in single action
- Waveform Generator
- Improved RRC filtering computation
- Speed improvement
- I/Q measurement
- Spectrum allowed zero-span; Added time data
- Improved alignment algorithm (faster)
- Added variables to adjust "Frequency Domain Alignment" algorithm
- Added power threshold for AM/PM traces
- New option: “Keep RF ON during I/Q measurement”
- Added possibility to skip CCDF computation to speed up the measurement time
- Big speed improvement (AM/PM, Spectrum, CCDF, EVM)
- Reordered EVM data in real-time viewer
- Modulated measurement
- Spectrum allowed zero-span; Added time data
- Reordered EVM data in real-time viewer
- Calibration
- Calibration check: added possibility to choose RF source
- Calibration check: added new displayed data: GT
- Added adapter file into coaxial calibration
- Added warning message when going backwards during a calibration and the previous step starts a measurement directly
Removed feature
- Modulated
- Removed DPD measurement
- Removed AM/PM measurement
Bug fixes
- General
- Fixed lag issue in setup: some commands were sent to instrument even if setup was not initialized
- Removed self-filling of calibration frequencies when setup is initialized
- Fixed optimization issue with power limits; driver amplifier offsets were not considering
- Renamed DPD data reference to match with no-DPD data reference
- Limit specs: data was not correctly reloaded from measurement configuration
- Fixed feature "Time before starting measurement"
- Fixed an issue with file selector component, list was not refreshed after a "Add File" action
- Negative powers are now correctly loaded from a configuration file
- Fixed correction with input fixture
- Fixed issue with “User Data” using power data: wrong unit
- Waveform file: blocked UI until waveform is loaded to fix an issue
- Fixed issue with file manager, removed case sensitive for file extension
- Waveform Generator
- Removed feature in PSK/QAM algorithm that changed symbol count to get a round measurement time
- Fixed issue with value precision
- Sweep Plan
- Actions were not use the good setup
- 1-Tone Measurement
- Fixed issue with frequency value in Table view
- Fixed power not reset to default after each frequency sweep
- 2-Tones Measurement
- Fixed issue with frequency value in Table view
- Fixed power not reset to default after each frequency sweep
- I/Q Measurement
- Fixed resizing waveform algorithm
- Fixed computation of AM/PM values
- S-Parameters Measurement
- Fixed issue of 3-Receiver’s measurement with external measurement; source was not correctly managed
- Fixed issue of 3-Receiver’s measurement; fixtures were not considering
- Fixed export issue with IMX: biasing was not written in the file
- Fixed issue with output file, removed case sensitive for file extension
- Video Bandwidth Measurement
- Fixed issue with 2-Tones optimization
- Fixed unit of X axis graph
- Calibration
- Schematic: fixed schematic issue with driver amplifier
- Calibration report: fixed a bug when modifying the configuration, the report was not updated
- Reflected power meter is now correctly shutdown during cancellation or at the end of calibration
- Fixed issue with raw power offset with Scalar Calibration: offset is now interpolated using all calibrations (but not only those selected for measurement)
- Fixed de-embedding file issue, it was not considering in calibration check
- Fixed schematic mistake in enhanced calibration (Thru calibration step)
- Measurement file
- Fixed computation of IRL for scalar measurement
- Fixed issue when ACP specification not defined
New features
- General
- Added a lot of options to custom graph (legend, axis, colors) and they can be exported in profile
- I/Q Viewer
- Split "EVM vs Time trace" into two new traces: "EVM vs Time Norm. Averaging" and "EVM vs Time Norm. Peak"
- Added EVM trace: "EVM vs Symbol Norm. Averaging" and "EVM vs Symbol Norm. Peak"
- General
- Added new coloration styles: “by dataset” and “by datasource”
- Linked profiles from measurements and viewers
- Added option to spline curves
- I/Q Viewer
- AM/PM trace consider user power threshold (defined during measurement)
Bug fixes
- General
- Fixed refresh issue: graph configuration was always reset when input curves changed
- Fixed legend unit issue (displayed the default unit)
- Fixed issue with user data in Table view
- Fixed issue when reloading profile with not available data
- 2-Tones Viewer
- Added missing new 2-Tones data to match with measurement
- I/Q Viewer
- Fixed AM/PM axis names
- Fixed EVM trace legend (was not displayed)
- Video Bandwidth Viewer
- Fixed plot name (wrong unit)
- Calibration
- Schematic: fixed schematic issue with driver amplifier
- Calibration report: fixed a bug when modifying the configuration, the report was not updated
- Reflected power meter is now correctly shutdown during cancellation or at the end of calibration
- Fixed issue with raw power offset with Scalar Calibration: offset is now interpolated using all calibrations (but not only those selected for measurement)
- Fixed de-embedding file issue, it was not considering in calibration check
- Fixed schematic mistake in enhanced calibration (Thru calibration step)
- Measurement file
- Fixed computation of IRL for scalar measurement
- Fixed issue when ACP specification not defined
1.1 - 2020/07/07
New features
- New properties editor for datasources elements (right-click > Properties)
- New CSV import plug-in
- Many internal changes and fixes about data management
Bug fixes
- Fixed multiple issues into CSV export (issue with non-numerical data, number format)
- Fixed MDIF writer, type of first column (index) was missing
New features
- Calibration: validation and reports
- Calibration: Scalar Power Calibration with three power meters
- Calibration: added raw power offset in Power Calibration
- Measurement: added 2-Tones and VBW measurement with Scalar Power Calibration
- Measurement: Waveform Generator (PSK/QAM)
- Measurement: graphs customization
- Measurement: new data display: Data vs Frequencies (frequency or delta) values with horizontal display
- Measurement: new IQ mode measurement (AMAM & AMPM dynamic, EVM, Constellation)
- Measurement: multiple S-Parameters into one file (IMX format)
- Measurement: reverse power sweep (bigger to smaller)
- Measurement: CSV export for QCS measurement
- Measurement: new Modulated measurement target: PAPR compression
- Measurement: new setup option to keep RF ON between two curves
- Viewer: new viewers: S-Parameters, 1-Tone, 2-Tones, VBW, Modulated and I/Q
- Setup: many improvements in setup schematic
- Calibration: replaced all images by dynamic schematics
- Calibration: calibration steps can be performed in any order for On-Wafer Calibration
- Calibration: now calibrations powers are pre-filled with minimum powers rather than default powers
- Calibration: added adapter file offset in Power Calibration and 1-Port Enhanced Calibration
- Calibration: 1-Port Enhanced accuracy improvement
- Measurement: new output information for all kind of measurements (measurement conditions)
- Measurement: increased number of historic (4 to 50) in Real-Time Viewer
- Measurement: configuration interfaces take active calibration type into account to hide incompatible settings
- Measurement: improved speed in 2-Tones measurements
- Measurement: improved rendering with light and dark themes
- Measurement: improved error handling
- Measurement: configuration can be reset
- Measurement: advanced settings for VSA drivers
- Measurement: added preview of modulated signal files
- Measurement: normalization of loaded waveforms
- Measurement: usage of internal RF source as a second RF source with power calibration (2-tones)
- Measurement: updated calibration interpolation using mag/phase instead of re/im
- Sweep Plan: added profiles to Probe Sweep action
Bug fixes
- Calibration: fixed an issue with Power calibration in pulsed mode; calibration is now done in pulsed to avoid an issue when mode is changed from pulsed to CW
- Measurement: fixed legend mistake with AM/PM curves
- Measurement: fixed current stop condition display for modulated measurement
- Measurement: fixed max PAE in Frequency vs Data
- Measurement: fixed power supplies switch sequence ON/OFF toggle in configuration panel
- Measurement: fixed an issue with QCS markers creation
- Measurement: fixed a 1-Tone measurement issue: VSA is not used during the measurement
- Measurement: fixed power meter names
- Measurement: fixed update of VNA internal RF Source when a VNA driver setting is changed
- Measurement: fixed I-V DUT optimization when override is disabled for fixed or sweep start
- Measurement: fixed an issue with frequency interpolation
- Measurement: fixed an issue when selected unit is milliwatt in Power Sweep Editor
- Measurement: fixed an optimization issue in VBW measurement, RF level was not correctly read during optimization
- Measurement: fixed wafer validity test when grid shift is negative (issue with some SENTIO wafers definition for example)
- Measurement: fixed a UI issue in Power Supplies configuration, if input IV supply is not checked, output IV supply is not available
- Measurement: fixed s-parameters measurement when only one point is measured
- Measurement: fixed "continuous" measurement mode, output file is now ignored in this mode (s-parameters measurement)
- Measurement: fixed the unwanted 'open measurement' dialog if file cannot be opened in application (import plug-in is missing for example)
- Measurement: fixed multiple issues with profiles
- Measurement: fixed issue with fixtures (should be ignored during validation, and activation state was ignored during measurement)
- Measurement: fixed calibration import (ID from file is now useless, a free ID is always used)
- Measurement: fixed frequency rounding issues
- Measurement: fixed IV supplies switch time
- Measurement: fixed the measurement with optimization at the same power (power sweep with the same value), the measurement is well done at each power change
- Measurement: fixed history when two measurements have the same name
- Measurement: fixed legend name for VNA amplitude calibration
- Measurement: fixed power meter attenuator offset computation in calibration
- Measurement: fixed computation of thru offset in calibration process
- Measurement: fixed an issue with output curve name in VBW measurement
- Measurement: fixed an issue with raw power calibration in 2-Tones/VBW measurements; raw power offset is now correctly used during optimization
- Measurement: fixed the 2-Tones order of use of the sources
New features
- New functions: fft, fftshift, ifft, ifftshift, polyfit, polyval, dbm, watt, flip, fliplr, flipud, diag, tril, triu, lu, qr, svd, pinv
- Added an optional 'tolerance' argument to 'unwrap' function, and improved its algorithm
- Allowed Levels definition for user data
Bug fixes
- Fixed and improved documentation
- Fixed single values in Data Editor
- Fixed an issue with user data evaluation (related to dependencies management)
- Fixed memory multiple memory leaks
- Fixed row and column vectors, meaning was inverted (fixed subsequent elements related to that like array functions)
- Fixed asin(inf)
- Fixed 'size' function, bad result for vectors (treated as matrices)
- Fixed 'ismatrix' and 'isvector' functions, false positive results
New features
- Added support of page zoom
- Added support of multiple parents
- Vector PDF and theme configuration for PDF export
- New controls: import, converter and merger
- CSV export for table controls
- Display of all controls can be customized by user (colors, fonts, border, etc.)
Bug fixes- Global performances improvement
- Multiple UI improvements (better toolbar, better control configuration panels, reworked contextual menus, new shortcuts)
- Many changes in graph options: multiple X, new curve painting settings, templates, settings reorganization, custom legends and predefined positioning, better theme change support, etc.
- Unlocked the 'D' key shortcut for 3-D graphs (debug info ON/OFF, application must be launched in debug mode)
- Reworked legends display and content
- Reworked selection method of table controls (selected rows now)
- Screenshot and PNG export is allowed again for graphs and wafer map
- New extractor options to customize name and color of output curves
- Default X value of extraction controls is now based on fixed value, even if fixed mode is disabled (useful to avoid to start at minimum value); same thing for back-off value
- Two different pictures can be configured in image control, one for light themes and another for dark themes
- Fixed multiple issues with PDF export (font issues, transformation issues, issue with dot curves, page background color in light theme, etc.)
- Fixed multiple graph rendering issues (2-D and 3-D contours, legends, custom Z0 not taken into account in some cases, min/max markers)
- Fixed multiple issues in configuration panels of some controls (graphs, tables)
- Auto-generated curves have now valid creation tags (extractor, stacker, merger, converter)
1.0 - 2019/06/18
Initial release of IQSTAR.