Measurement Options & Optimizations Strategies

Clicking in a blank part of the schematic editor, the following menu appears on the right side:

  • Measurement Options:

    This tab allows to set different measurement options used in IQSTAR:

    • Minimum time before starting measurement
    • Minimum time between two curves (e.g.: time between a power sweep at f1 and a second power sweep at f2)
    • Minimum time between two points (e.g.: time between each point of a power sweep)
    • Keep RF ON between two curves, only if wait time is greater than 0: when checked the RF power will stay ON between two power sweeps
    • Keep RF ON between two points, only if wait time is greater than 0: when checked the RF power will stay ON between two measurement points
    • Perform 2-tones optimizations: when checked 2-Tones balance will be optimized
    • VNA display enabled during measurement: when checked the VNA screen will stay ON during a measurement. This option is useful for debugging or check the VNA configuration
      Note: This option slows down the measurement
    • Keep RF ON during I/Q acquisition: when checked the RF power will stay ON during the I/Q data transfert from the intrument to the computer and the I/Q processing.
    • Use a trigger in CW: when checked, the VNA will output the triggers even if set in CW mode. This allow the use of instruments that need triggers as when doing Pulsed measurement with a CW source and an external modulator. To learn more, see Getting Started : "Overview on the Pulsed Measurement Techniques".
    • Give priority to the VNA for spectrum measurements (only if the VNA is capable): when checked, allow to use the VNA to acquire spectrum traces and so replace a VSA. To do so, the correct specific options must be installed on the instrument, see Supported Vector Network Analyzers for more informations.
  • Export options:

    Export Measurement in IQSTAR (*.imx) format in addition of selected format : This option allows to force *.imx in addtion of *.csv, *.im, *.citi and/or *.mdif export choosen in measurement tab (1-Tone Measurement Panel: General).

  • Optimizations Strategies:

    This tab allows to set the 'Tolerance' and the 'Number of Iterations' of each optimization used in IQSTAR:

    • IV optimizations (Input Voltage, Input Current, Output Voltage, Input Current ...): when an IV optimization is done, a feedback is applied between the measurement unit and the power supply in order to have a constant fixed value at the DUT reference plane (“DUT Reference Plane”). For example, for a FET, the output voltage Vds can decrease when the component is in the gain compression region
    • Power: when a Power optimization is done, an iterative measurement process is done in order to achieve a specific power value (e.g. : Available Input Power gal to 30dBm) 1-Tone Measurements. This optimization is an alternative of theRaw Power Calibration process
    • Smart Sweep: when a Smart Sweep is done, an iterative measurement process is done in order to achieve a specific parameter value (e.g. : Gain Compression of 3 dB) 1-Tone Measurements
    • 2-Tones equalization: when a 2-Tones equalization optimization is done, an iterative measurement process is done in order to ensure (independently of the 2-tones frequency spacing, power driver used) the same available input power at f1 & f2 in the DUT reference plane