STAN tool is a patented solution capable of  assessing the stability of RF & Microwave circuits, which is a critical step in the design flow. In comparison with other methodologies (Rollet & Nyquist Criterion, NDF …), STAN is a unique solution that brings together all the following advantages : FastRigourousUser Friendly, and ready to use with commercial CAD software. The STAN approach calculates a single-input, single-output (SISO) transfer function for a circuit of interest linearized around a given steady state. A simulated frequency response of the linearized circuit is fitted to a rational polynomial transfer function by means of frequency-domain identification algorithm. If no poles on the right-half plane (RHP) are found, it is considered stable.

Key Features:

  • Single-node analysis
  • Multi-node analysis
  • Parametric analysis under variable load impedances
  • Parametric analysis under variable input signal power
  • Monte Carlo analysis

AN : Selecting the circuit’s node with STAN

AN : Rollet Factor versus Pole-Zero Identification

AN : How to Select the Frequency Range for Analysis ?

STAN and the STAN Wizard Installation and Use in AWR (NI)

Pole-Zero Identification: Unveiling the Critical Dynamics of Microwave Circuits Beyond Stability Analysis, IEEE Microwave Magazine July 2019

STAN Tool tutorial

Master of Science Thesis : Stability Analysis of a Microwave Power Amplifier using Pole Zero Identification Method