The “Basic Device Modeler” module allows extracting models of the various electronic functions of a transmission chain to enable time-domain simulations. Using the VIS100C-1 module, the user can extract elementary models of this chain, starting with all passive circuits that can be characterized by S-parameter data up to unilateral nonlinear amplifier model embedding high frequency memory effects. Before exporting the model to the system Architect panel, a test plan can be programmed to verify the model’s behavior over a wide range of operating conditions (carrier frequency, envelope modulation, power), thus validating the model’s robustness before its use in the final design. Below are the electronic functions that can be modeled using this module:
The model engineer can check and balance the various parameters available in the nonlinear function descriptions of the model extraction such as
- Order of non-linear power approximation functions
- Order of non-linear frequency approximation functions
- Technological dispersions.
In the Basic Device Modeler module, some models are bilateral, i.e. current flows through a 2-port model in both directions, so that the influence of the load impedance on the circuit’s input impedance is taken into account.
Various graphs are available to check the quality of the model along two dimensions: power and frequency.
The first extraction is an opportunity to check the data, particularly in the event of noise or measurement error. This type of phenomenon can make model extraction difficult and can lead to aberrant results when the model is driven with modulated signals. VISION offers post-processing tools for limiting or eliminating these phenomena.
Library of Models part of the BASIC DEVICE MODELER module Parametrized SNP MODELER: Linear model of passive components, filters, attenuators including variable parameters in a unique model file based on S-parameters data (touchstone format)
- LIMITER MODELER: Non-linear model of power limiters
- MIXER MODELER: Non-linear model for mixers, configurable in frequency and power
- LNA MODELER: Bilateral model of Low Noise Amplifiers
- HPA MODELER: Unilateral Non-Linear Model of High-Power Amplifiers integrating high-frequency(HF) memory effects in matched conditions (50 ohms; U) (HPA-U-HF)