AM3200 Main Features:

  • Unbreakable pulsers (thermal, SOA and DUT breakdown protections)
  • Included optimized power supplies allow unrivaled fast IV plotting
  • Pulsed or DC operation, pulse width down to 200ns
  • Long pulse time domain measurement capabilities
  • Internal or external synchronization
  • Interlock function disables pulsers within 1µs
  • High System flexibility (later upgrade possible):
    • 1 gate and 1 drain pulser
    • 2 gate pulsers or 2 drain pulsers
    • 3 and 4 pulser systems


System description

This Pulse IV system is used to bias transistors in quasi-isothermal conditions, it enables accurate compact modeling activities.

Pulser Safe Operating Area

Emergency stop when the operating point exceeds design limits: Ip, Irms, Idc (pulsed, RMS and DC current), Vdc (pulser input voltage, drain pulser only), Pmax (DC power), Fmax (switching frequency), Temperature.

Current Breaker

Programmable thresholds: pulse current and power, quiescent current and power, transient current

Measurement Sampling Time

Fully programmable, 20ns resolution, External synchronization Mtrig & Rfpulse


The standard system works with two pulse generators and one control box. External signals permit to combine and synchronize several control boxes (4, 6, 8…).


AM3211 Bipolar Probe +/-25V +/-1A

The AM3211 is a low noise floating pulse generator dedicated to bias the transistor gate, optimized to drive quickly and safely all the transistors (RF Devices, MOSFET).

AM3221 Probe +250V +30A

The AM3221 probe is a power probe dedicated to bias the transistor drain, optimized for high power pulsed measurements.


AM3211 Bipolar Probe +/-25V +/-1A

The AM3211 is a low noise floating pulse generator dedicated to bias the transistor gate, optimized to drive quickly and safely all the transistors (RF Devices, MOSFET).


AM3221 Probe +250V +30A

The AM3221 probe is a power probe dedicated to bias the transistor drain, optimized for high power pulsed measurements.