Supported Instruments Release Notes
1.7 - 2024/04/05
New Driver Family
- Pressure sensor : read pressure
New Models
- AMCAD control box unit
- Thermal sensor: TC-32
- Pressure sensor: PTR90
- Anritsu
- RF source: MG3700A
- Bilt
- Module BE510
- iTest
- BT3251
- Keysight
- Power supply: N9200 module
- R&S
- VNA Generic: ZVL model (S-Parameters only)
- Measurement Computing Corporation (MCC)
- USB-2001-TC
- Sigma Systems
- Model-C4
Updated firmwares supported
- Maury
- MTune 3
- Bilt
- Changed default idle time for lan connection
- VSA: Xillinx DPD, added correction bandwidth parameter.
- R&S
- VSA: added hardware option: external 10MHz reference
- IV measurement: added hardware option: external sense
- VNA: Added advanced option for VNA IF Path
Bug fixes
- Anritsu
- ML2488A: fixed averaging
- ML2488A: fixed multi-sensor display
- ML2488A: fixed reset when using multiple sensor
- Keysight
- IV measurement: fixed null pointer when shuting down the bench with monitoring running
- IV measurement: fixed timeout in fast CW mode
- R&S
- NRP2: fixed infinite value
- Power supply: fixed level read issue
1.6 - 2023/11/17
New Models
- Keysight : Added N67xx Power Supply series
- National Instruments : PXIe-5842 (Ni VST 3)
- SIGMA Series : Added InTest TS Thermal Controller driver
- Focus iTuner: DELTA tuner for Fundamental series
Updated firmwares supported
- Keysight
- PNA revision A with Windows XP: A09.90.21
- PNA revision A with Windows 7: A10.60.03
- PNA revision B: A16.20.04
- R&S
- ZNA: 2.80
- S2 VNA : 21.2.1
- S4 VNA : 22.2.6
- Focus iTuner:
- Revision 1.23
- Keysight :
- Power supplies :
- Added 50 Ohms output option on trigger sources
- Added 33622A model
- Power supplies :
- Keithley :
- Power supplies :
- Added autorange OFF option
- Power supplies :
- R&S :
- ZNA :
- Added phase coherence option
- FSW :
- Added custom driver AutoLevel for IQ / Spectrum / 2 Tones / EVM.
- Added spectrum display on instrument screen during IQ Measurement
- ZNA :
- AM3100:
- Added screenshot capability
- AM3100:
Keysight :
- Fixed Fast CW issues
- Power supplies :
- Fixed current limit on N6705
- Generic Multimeter :
- Fixed auto-range measurements
- Keithley :
- Power supplies :
- Reformatted help option to output html
- Power supplies :
- R&S :
- VNA :
- Fixed VNA Source configuration when measuring pulsed RF without using the internal source for generation
- FSW :
- Fixed averaging in IQ mode
- Fixed Keep RF ON during IQ acquisition option
- VNA :
- iTest :
- BILT :
- Fixed lost connection with long IQSTAR sessions
- BILT :
- Focus iTuner:
- Fixed s-parameters for harmonics
- Fixed I/Q measurement with firmware version prior to 1.9
- AMD Zynq UltraScale ZCU670 Digital Pre-distortion IP supported
- Fixed connection with USB, forced baud rate to 57600
1.5.1 - 2023/07/28
New Models
- TDK Electronics
- Generetic Power supplies (multi-session): G series
Updated firmwares supported
- Keysight
- PNA revision A with Windows XP: A09.90.21
- PNA revision A with Windows 7: A10.60.03
- PNA revision B: A16.20.04
- R&S
- ZNA: 2.80
- S2 VNA : 21.2.1
- S4 VNA : 22.2.6
- Keysight :
- RF Source :
- Added delay on arbitrary generation option
- Hot waveform swap : allows change of waveform while in modulation state
- VNA :
- New function to recover raw receiver traces
- Added old firmware recognition (<= A.08.xx.xx) to avoid using some next gen internal hardware
- RF Source :
- Rohde & Schwarz:
- VSA: added 'Driver' auto-level algorithm (in addition with 'Instument' and 'Custom' auto-level)
- TDK Electronics
- Renamed to "Legacy Power Supplies".
- MTune:
- Fixed issue when using a calibration with a lot of frequencies.
Keysight :
Fixed issue when asking some informations to the instrument
Fixed some behaviour issue in spectrum mode
Fixed gated spectrum measurements
Fixed D receiver atten option
- Fixed Fast CW issues
- Anritsu :
- PM :
- Fixed initialization for 2 channels power meters
- PM :
Multimeters :
Major speed enhancement with reworked functions
Rohde & Schwarz :
Fixed waveform capability for SMM100A
Forced ALC state to OFF if undefined
Fixed use of pulsed hardware if not in the system
1.5 - 2023/04/21
New Driver Family
- Auto Test Equipment: security instrument
- I/O switch: multipath measurement
- Thermal controller: read and write temperature
- Temperature sensor: read temperature
New Models
- ATE: Control Unit
- I/O Switch: RF Switch Systems
- Thermal controller: Control Unit
- Temperature sensor: Control Unit FAHD; Control Unit THK
- Climats
- Thermal controller: Climats oven controlled by Spirale 3
- Driver configurable
- I/O Switch
- Thermal controller
- Temperature sensor
- New model: AMD Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC DFE ZCU670
- iTest
- Bilt: BE2431, BE2432, BE2435, BE2501, BE427, BE475, BE510, BE516, BE584x
- USB Heating plate: BT3231, BT3241, BT3251
- Keysight
- Trigger source: 3352xB models
- Nucleus
- Thermal Controller
- ProberBench
- Thermal Controller
- R&S
- Oscilloscopes: RTM300x series, RTA4004
- Sentio
- Thermal Controller
Updated firmwares supported
- Keysight
- PNA revision A with Windows XP: A09.90.21
- PNA revision A with Windows 7: A10.60.03
- PNA revision B: A15.75.19
- R&S
- ZNA: 2.61
- S2 VNA : 21.2.1
- S4 VNA : 22.2.6
- General
- Added RF source IQ offset support
- Added VNA spectrum and ACP measurements
- Configurable
- Power Supply: added function to control absolute current value.
- Improved DPD error message with information NMSE and alignment values.
- Added information about DPD extraction in event.
- Keithley
- Power supply: force/fixed range option
- Keysight
- RF sources: new recall state option
- VNA:
- Added source attenuation in advanced options
- Added Spectrum Measurements (Option 090 + 90X)
- Added Sensor Options for Spectrum Measurements
- Splitted advanced driver options
- Added option to force port 1 atten to 0 when the source is not used on this port (NPR measurements)
- Added option relative to spectrum image rejection
- VSA:
- Spurious/Spectrum: changed default value of additionnal option "Internal Preamp" (now it's disabled by default).
- R&S
- VSA:
- Spurious/Spectrum: added advanced option to control Internal Preamp option.
- VSA:
Bug fixes
- Aim TTi:
- Fixed issue with multiple instances
- Booton Power Meter:
- Removed *OPC? querries as this made the power meter crash
- Configurable
- Fixed reset command issue, the command has always been sent during initialization.
- Power Supply/IV Measurement: change driver ID to avoid reset twice.
- iTest Bilt
- When module is not supported, ignore it (and add error event) instead of throwing an error.
- Fixed current breaker command (parameters were reversed).
- Fixed timeout issue with sampling rate updating with model IQ6400.
- Generic Multimeter:
- Put default delay back to 0ms (previously forced to 1 for Fast CW measurements with Keithley DMMs)
- Keysight
- Trigger source: fixed waveform mode
- RF source: fixed waveform mode
- VNA:
- Made commands more reliable when using Internal Hardware
- Check error after "SENSe<ch>:CLASs:NAME?" querry as it made IQSTAR crash
- Fixed temporary trace beeing displayed during calibration as it slows down the process
- VSA:
- Spurious: added advanced option to control Gated option (as spectrum).
- R&S
- Power Supply: fixed issue with multiple instances
- IV Measurement: fixed issue with multiple instances
- Power meter:
- fixed triggering for pulsed measurements with NRX
- Updated automatic range selection for NRX
- Updated zeroing functions for all models
- RF source:
- fixed external reference command
- fixed waveform mode
- fixed trigger output for SMBV100B
- fixed alternative PMOD (waveform signal for pulsed generation)
- fixed option parsing
- Fixed PEP value when sending waveforms
- VNA:
- Fixed ZVA modulator initialization
- Fixed trigger initilalization
- Compensated VNA error term inversion (Load Match)
1.4 - 2022/10/07
New Models
- Keysight
- AWG: M8190A
- Step Attenuator: 511 Series
- QuinStar
- Step Attenuator: QPA Series
- R&S
- VNA: ZNA50 and ZNA67
- VSA: new supported options: K14x, K9x, K10x.
- Oscilloscope: RTM3002 and RTM3004
Updated firmwares supported
- Keysight
- PNA revision A with Windows XP: A09.90.21
- PNA revision A with Windows 7: A10.60.03
- PNA revision B: A15.75.19
- R&S
- ZNA: 2.52
- S2 VNA : 21.2.1
- S4 VNA : 22.2.6
- IQ6400
- AMCAD VST renamed to IQ6400
- Close-loop DPD
- iTest
- Bilt: Implementation of multi-sessions
- Copper Mountain
- VNA: added option tooltips
- VNA: Fast CW supported without harmonics measurement
- Generic Multimeter
- Added option tooltips
- Keithley
- Power Supplies: added options regarding forced / fixed range
- Keysight
- RF Sources: added option tooltips
- RF Sources: added recall state option
- VNA: added option tooltips
- VNA: internal hardware check before controlling it
- VSA: added spectrum option to manage gated settings
- Added options to control auto-level for spectrum measurement.
- R&S
- NRP2: added option tooltips
- VNA: added option tooltips
- VNA: Fast CW supported
- VSA: read I/Q data in binary
- VSA: added new I/Q options: 5G auto-test models, 5G auto demodulation, auto level and auto EVM
- Velox/ProberBench
- New TCP/IP based connection mode using embedded Velox Message Server (works even without VISA interface).
Bug fixes
- IQ6400
- Fixed initialization error.
- Wrong unit of parameter "training start"
- Added default address for VSA instrument
- Keysight
- Power Supplies: fixed addition of 3352XB models
- Power Supplies: fixed waveform selection in instrument
- RF Sources: removed power boundary left on some models
- RF Sources: fixed waveform management
- MTune
- Fixed S-Parameters reading.
- Fixed freeze during spectrum measurement in 1-Tone mode; trigger was not reset.
- Fixed error during spectrum measurement: auto-level was not correctly computed.
- Fixed external trigger mode when probes are in mixed mode (one in DC, other in pulsed).
- Changed default RF delay and width to 1 µs to avoid initialization issues with some probes.
- R&S
- NRP2: fixed triggering for pulsed measurements with NRX.
- RF Source: fixed external ref command
- RF Source: fixed waveform management
- VNA: fixed ZVA modulators initialization
- VNA: fixed trigger initialization
- VSA: removed the upper bandwidth limit previously to 10MHz. Added a warning if the requested bandwidth is not available in the device bandwidth list.
- Velox/ProberBench
- Fixed wafer mapping when configuration is not standard.
- Fixed move commands.
- Driver configurable
- Fixed CW power meter issue. Trigger internal function can be updated if only CW power meter.
1.3 - 2022/02/14
New Models
- MTune
- XT-series LXI, MT-series LXI
- ITuner
- CCMT series
- R&S
- Generic Power Supplies: HMC8041G, HMC8042G, NGP802,NGP804, NGP814, NGP822, NGP824
- AMCAD VST (IQ6400 since v1.4)
- Added new modes: Pulsed, Multi-sampling and 2-Tones
- Keysight
- VSA: implementation of spurious detection feature
- R&S
- Generic Power Supplies: allowed multi-sessions
- VSA: implementation of spurious feature
- VSA: added auto-attenuation additional parameters for I/Q measurement
Bug fixes
- AMCADe VST (IQ6400 since v1.4)
- Added possibility to drive several ADI hardware in the same setup.
- Keysight
- Power Supply: Fixed voltage range on E36xx series
- VNA Generic: Fixed IF path attenuations to 0 when NBF & NBF Gated
- VNA Generic: Fixed ENA E5080A calibration application
- VNA Generic: Fixed FOM & Harmonic frequency settings
- VNA Generic: Fixed segment issue in 2-Tones mode
- VNA Generic: Fixed power and segments settings for Fast 2-Tones measurements
- VNA Generic: Fixed frequency application when switching to CW with active calibration
- VNA Generic: Fixed calibration application when all error terms have been sent
- Anritsu
- RF Source: Fixed device list typo where MG369XC was missing
- R&S
- VSA: fixed issue with invalid bandwidth value. Force to nearest value.
- Generic Multimeter
- Set default command delay to 1ms (issue with Fast CW & Keithley DMMs)
1.2 - 2021/06/16
New Models
- AMCAD VST (IQ6400 since v1.4)
- Generic Multimeter
- Tektronix 4040/4050
- Giga-tronics
- Generic Power Meter: 8651B/8652B
- Keysight
- Generic Power Supply: E36102B, E36103B, E36104B, E36105B, E36106B, E36231A, E36232A, E36233A, E36234A, E36311A, E36312A, E36313A
- Generic RF Source: MXG M9383B, MXG M9384B
- Infiniium & InfiniiVision: DSOS054A, MSOS054A, DSOS104A, MSOS104A, DSOS204A, MSOS204A, DSOS254A, MSOS254A, DSOS404A, MSOS404A, DSOS604A, MSOS604A, DSOS804A, MSOS804A
- SMU Power Supply: B1500A’s mainframes, B1510A, B1511A, B1511B, B1514A, B1517A
- VSA: EXA N9030A, EXA N9030B
- Mini-Circuits
- Generic Power Meter: PWR-8P-RC
- Tektronix Oscilloscope
- MDO4000C, MDO4000B, MDO4000, MSO4000B, DPO4000B and MDO3000 Series Oscilloscopes
Removed Models
- Keysight
- SMU Power Supply: E5288A
- Anritsu Generic
- RF Source: added option for external pulse modulator
- Copper Mountain
- VNA: phase control allowed back
- VNA: frequency extenders support added
- VNA: added option for external pulse modulator
- Generic Multimeter
- Added option to support High Current (1A+, 3A+, 10A+, ...) dedicated port for current measurement
- Keysight
- ENA: added option for external pulse modulator
- Generic Power Supply: Range and Resolution managed dynamically
- Generic Power Supply: added “2-Wire/4-Wire” option
- Generic RF Source: option added to support frequency extender N5182BX07
- Generic RF Source: added option for external pulse modulator
- Generic VNA: option added to define receivers’ attenuators
- Generic VNA: improved listing models according to their options/capability
- Generic VNA: added option to force External 10MHz
- Generic VNA: added option for external pulse modulator
- Infiniium & InfiniiVision: big improvement on available options
- Infiniium & InfiniiVision: added auto-detection of probe factor for compatible ones
- Legacy VNA: added option for external pulse modulator
- Legacy VNA: definition added for R1 Switch
- VSA: added new advanced option: trigger, internal preamp
- NI
- PXIe VST: updated to data all drivers
- PXIe VST: added new advanced options for I/Q averaging
- PXIe VST: RFSG generation triggers the RFSA measurement and at the same time sends a trigger to PFI0 to trigger an instrument external to the PXIe
- R&S
- RF Source: added option for ALC state
- RF Source: added option to force External 10MHz
- Generic VNA: WBF (and cheated WBF in CW) measurement implemented for ZVA
- Generic VNA: AM Modulation implemented for ZNA (requires option -B91).
- VSA: added new advanced options for I/Q averaging
- VSA: added new advanced options to manage “Gated” for spectrum measurement
- VSA: added new advanced options to manage attenuation level for spectrum measurement
Removed features
- R&S
- RF Source: removed forced Pulse Mode support on Legacy Models
Bug fixes
- Anritsu Generic
- RF Source: fixed pulse mode issue with trigger
- Anritsu
- VSA: fixed issue with "forced instrument" option
- Cascade Microtech Nucleus (VISA)
- Fixed an initialization error due to new probe station models
- Generic Multimeter
- Fixed high current commands and options
- No auto range algorithm when in high current with only 1 range
- Fixed 34450A implementation
- Giga-tronics
- Generic Power Meter: fixed 8651A Pulsed capability
- Generic Power Meter: default 50ms delay for each command removed
- iTest
- BILT: voltage resolution defined to 0.5 mV
- BILT: fixed Drain DC Current applied on eFuse Current Breaker but not on Voltage Source
- Keysight
- ENA: set Continuous sweep mode when powering ON
- ENA: fixed continuous mode command in RF Source
- ENA: fixed calibration application
- Generic Power Supply: fixed E3631A voltage range on port 3 (negative value to 0V)
- Generic Power Supply: fixed N87xxA's identification
- Generic Power Supply: fixed voltage resolution and ranges
- Generic VNA: fixed alarm on PNA-X instruments
- Generic VNA: fixed pulse modulation for non-PNA-X
- Generic VNA: fixed autorange option
- Generic VNA: fixed pulse capability when using Alternative Pulse modulation
- Infiniium & InfiniiVision: scale options change to radio buttons choice
- Infiniium & InfiniiVision: fixed waveform/display points count in DC mode (16 for Infiinium (as min), 100 for InfiniiVision (as min))
- Infiniium & InfiniiVision: fixed DC default timing (10 Hz = 100ms and not 100µs)
- Legacy VNA: set Continuous sweep mode when powering ON
- SMU Power Supply: fixed no defined level error
- SMU Power Supply: fixed auto-range measurement
- SMU Power Supply: fixed DC measurement mode
- VSA: fixed issue with averaging instrument parameter
- VSA: fixed issue with shutdown function
- VSA: fixed issue with "forced instrument" option
- NI
- PXIe VST: fixed issue with shutdown function
- Nucleus
- Fixed an initialization error due to new probe station models
- Fixed AM3242 probe in reverse mode
- R&S
- Generic Power Supply: “Rohde” name corrected
- Generic VNA: “Rohde” name corrected
- Generic VNA: fixed phase control (reactivated + fix for new Firmware 2.10)
- NRP2: “Rohde” name corrected
- RF Source: fixed pulse mode issue with trigger
- RF Source: “Rohde” name corrected
- VSA: fixed issue with "forced instrument" option
- VSA: fixed issue with ACP unit (added new command to force unit to dBc)
1.1 - 2020/07/07
New models
- Keysight
- Power Meters: U2053XA, U2054XA, U2055XA, L2051XA, L2052XA, L2053XA, L2054XA, L2055XA, U2064XA,U2065XA, L2061XA, L2062XA, L2063XA, L2064XA, L2065XA, L2065XT
- Power Supplies: New modules added (E5280B, E5281B, E5287A, E5288A)
- Generic RF Source: CXG N5166B, UXG N5191A, N192A, N193A, N5194A
- Generic VNA: N5230A
- VSA: N9020A, N9020B, N9040B, N9010A, N9010B
- Aim TTi
- Generic PowerSupply: Aim TTi EL302P, EL302P-USB, Aim TTi EX355P, Aim TTi PL601-P, Aim TTi PL303QMT-P, Aim TTi PL303QMD-P, Aim TTi PL303-P, Aim TTi PL155-P, Aim TTi PL068-P, Aim TTi PLH250-P, Aim TTi PLH120-P, Aim TTi QL564TP, Aim TTi QL564P, Aim TTi QL355TP, Aim TTi QL355P, Aim TTi TSX3510P, Aim TTi TSX1820P, Aim TTi MX180TP, Aim TTi MX100QP, Aim TTi MX100TP , Aim TTi CPX400DP, Aim TTi CPX400SP, Aim TTi CPX200DP , Aim TTi QPX1200SP, Aim TTi QPX600DP
- Anritsu
- Generic RF Source: Anritsu MG3691B/MG3692B/MG3693B/MG3694B/MG3695B/MG3696B, Anritsu MG3692C/MG3694C/MG3695C/MG3697C, Anritsu MG3710E, Anritsu MG3740A
- VSA: MS2830A
- iTest
- BILT: BN100, BN103, BN105, BN110, BN120
- Keithley
- Generic PowerSupply: Full support added for 2600 series (TSP instead of VISA)
- Generic Multimeter
- Keithley DMM6500
- R&S
- RF Source: SMR20, SMR30, SMR40, SMR50, SMR60
- VSA: FSW-8, FSW-13, FSW-26, FSW-43, FSW-50, FSW-67, FSW-85, FSV-4, FSV-7, FSV-13, FSV-30, FSV-40
- Generic PowerSupply : New driver for Genesys models
1.0 - 2019/06/18
Initial release of IQSTAR.