STAN 2.0

RF and microwave circuit design involves major challenges, particularly when it comes to guaranteeing stability. Traditional analysis methodologies, whether linear or non-linear, are often insufficient, making the designer's work more complicated.STAN Tool offers a stability analysis technique of microwave circuits, valid for smal-signal and large-signal regimes. This technique is able to detect and determine the nature of oscillation, such as parametric oscillations in power amplifier that can be for example function of the input drive signal. Knowledge of the type of oscillation mode facilitates the insertion of stabilization networks, with a better balance between the required oscillation avoidance and maintaining the original circuit performances.

🔍 Challenges Engineers Face :
  • Linear methods like Rollet factor and μ factor are limited to small-signal analyses and fail with complex multistage circuits
  • Nonlinear methods are complex and require external tools, making implementation arduous and time-consuming

Our stability analysis with the STAN Tool used here is based on the pole-zero identification technique, which relies on a rigorous and unique analysis.

💡 Our Solution:

  • This technique has the benefit of being applicable to dc, small and large-signal stability analyses within a similar methodology.
  • User-friendly interface compatible with simulation files from CAD Tools.
  • Combination of the tool with other types of analysis present in CAD tools to provide a better understanding of instabilities in order to stabilize circuits.
  • Simplified result analysis, making stability assessments more efficient and accurate.

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