Release Notes
1.7 - 2023/04/05
Application Core:- Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with view tabs during a drag and drop operation, the cursor was not always updated properly.
- New features
- Dongles can be flashed in offline mode now.
- Offline trial licenses are supported.
- Transportable dongles in addition to node-lock dongles
- Improvements
- Improved the installation process of offline file licenses.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed the expiration issue of dongles.
- Fixed false positive cases of clock errors.
- Fixed false positive cases of VM detections.
- New features
- New Socket API.
- Improvements
- All threads are now tracked, so the running script do not stops when main thread is finished, but when all threads are finished, main included.
- Stopping a script stop every pending/running tasks.
- No more configurable timeout for the join() function.
- The eval() function now uses a basic parser for security reasons.
- The fastmath() function returns nothing (void) when state is changed.
- Performances has been slightly improved.
- Script Editor:
- Debugger performances have been greately improved (4x faster in general).
- Many keywords (for, while, do/while, if/else, switch, try/catch/finally, etc.) was not debugged properly with only one instruction in their block.
- Scrip Server:
- New 'Local Only' option to forbid remote connections (interprocess connections only, security feature).
- Bug fixes
- Fixed a memory leak when a script is stopped in a multithreaded environment.
- Script Editor:
- The debugger was completely broken in a multithreaded environment.
- The step-by-step execution was broken (step-return for example).
- Removed Features
- The taskstatus() function has been removed because the cancellation of a task is now managed at a lower level, between the execution of two instructions, so the user don't have to put checkpoints in its code.
1.6 - 2023/11/29
Application Core:-
New Features
New licensing system:
- Two license types:
- Fixed licenses (via a product key). Internet is required for the first launch but only at least once every week after that.
- Floating licenses; no more USB dongle, it can be installed on a remote server (Cloud for example). Supported systems: Windows 7+ and almost all modern Linux distributions (Red Hat 8+ and Debian 10+, and any variant).
- Simplified license installation procedure: no more license file to manually install, dongle to ship and flash, etc. Enter your product key and that’s all.
- Customer can manage attached hardware by itself, within limits given by the EULA.
- Software update notifications, but manual installation (the customer chooses when he wants to install it, to don’t break production environments for example). Version rollback is possible in case of issue.
- Two license types:
- Migration from legacy Java 8 LTS to Java 17 LTS (Eclipse Adoptium releases). In addition to improvements and bug fixes provided by a recent Java version, the UI scaling is now properly managed (when desktop scaling is greater than 100%).
- New UI Rendering Quality setting (to improve general display performances one old computers).
- Removed Features
- Removed MTune Runtime from installers.
All installers have been modernized:
- Software can be installed without administrative rights (installed inside “{UserAppData}\Local\Programs\AMCAD Engineering\<AppName>” instead of “C:\Program Files\AMCAD Engineering\<AppName>”); Visual C++ Redistributables must be installed manually in this case.
- The virtual driver (IQSTAR) is now optional to reduce memory usage at launching time.
- Application data have moved, from “{Documents}\<AppName>” to “{Documents}\AMCAD”. The aim is to centralize data between all installed AMCAD softwares (IQSTAR, VISION, Whiteboard). The customer can continue to use old home directory.
- Application settings have been moved into user Application Data directory: “{UserAppData}\AMCAD Engineering\<AppName>”.
- And many other issues have been fixed (typo, memory leaks, error handling, etc.).
- Bug fixes
- Fixed a UI freeze issue with Open and Save As dialog boxes, when user initiate a drag and drop from/to this kind of dialog.
- Improvements
- Unlocked up to 30 auxiliaries for SnP and AMCAD formats.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue in IM/IMX export, pulse state was lost if quiescent and pulse values were identical.
- New features
- Graph layer duplication.
- Removed features
- Removed the “Global Data Cache” mode, this mode conflicts with new data management in measurement part. This mode was also the cause of memory leaks and increased memory usage.
- Improvements
- Improved memory usage and performances of interpolations.
- Improved interpolations; invalid control points (NaN, Infinity) are automatically ignored during interpolation and extrapolation processes.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed multi-selection in Allowed Curves List.
- Fixed data computation in Table control, operation is done in a separate thread to avoid UI freezes when computation takes time.
- Fixed preview update when moved/resized components are outside of displayed area.
- Fixed graphs clipboard export; transparency is not supported.
- Fixed displayed data in Data Injector (user equations were missing).
- Fixed the X-Axis cell (it must not be editable).
- Reduced the number of enumerations in measurement API (to improve support of new plug-ins). Removed enumerations have been replaced by an equivalent string.
- Greatly improved performances for file copy/move operations.
- Added ‘antialiasing’ and ‘highquality’ properties for both ‘graph2d’ and ‘graph3d’ objects.
- Improved performance and reliability of rand() function.
- The “{Documents}\AMCAD\scripts” is the default home directory when edited script is not saved yet, to avoid issues with included scripts.
- The "ans" (Most recent answer) display after evaluation is limited to first 100K characters, to avoid UI freezes and out of memory.
- Fixed rounding issues with real numbers when they are dumped.
- Fixed CITI export integration.
- Fixed measurement from script environment (happened when Setup Editor was never initialized before).
- Fixed a highlighting issue with arrays in debug mode.
- Fixed tooltips when mouse is hovering an enumeration family (‘color’ instead of ‘’ for example). Documentation was not displayed before.
- Fixed size() function; bad return when a dimension was specified and vector was empty.
- Fixed functions eye(), zeros(), ones() and rand(); their [m,n] syntax was broken.
- Fixed multiple documentations where size() was used instead of length().
1.5 - 2023/04/21
Application Core:-
Bug fixes
Fixed multiple localization issues.
Fixed XML export; Unicode is now fully supported, and spaces before/after content are conserved.
Small optimization of rendering speed when HTML is involved.
- Improvements
- Renamed 'Enable compatibility mode' into 'Text mode' (IM/IMX export).
- Bug fixes
- Fixed subcurve export with generic curves.
- New features
- New graph policy: one color/shape by layer data.
- New contours option: clean steps (ON/OFF).
- Improvements
- Improved graph rendering when scale is different than one (floating precision for rendering).
- Improved string rendering in 3-D graphs; usage of outlined strings to improve readability.
- Divided 'Vector PDF' option in two separates options: Vector Shapes and Vector Fonts (the first one is to enable vector painting globally and the second one replaces strings by their vector forms, that fixes Unicode characters). Boths are enabled by default.
- Improved gradient of 3-D graphs
- Rendering quality levels in 3-D are more consistent.
- Bug fixes
- Graph is now properly refreshed when auto scale mode is changed in settings.
- Fixed non-working mouse and keyboard events in Workspace Viewer.
- Fixed HTML rendering in exported PDF files.
- Fixed PDF export, hidden controls are now properly removed from final generation.
- Fixed a rendering issue in dot mode in some circumstances (data shift).
- Fixed 3-D strings rendering in 3-D graphs (font size in perspective projection was bad, and fixed size for orthographic projection now).
- Polyline flag was ignored in some cases (2-D graph).
- Fixed the wrong radio color when a custom foreground color is set (radio button).
- Fixed slider control font size setting (custom fonts where ignored).
- Fixed user theme is 3-D contours mode.
- Contours Z limits were based on interpolated limits, not points limits; contour count and gradient colors could be false due to an extrem extrapolation for example.
- Improvements
- Updated documentation of unitconv() function (new units).
- Improved documentation of global() function (about its usage in a Whiteboard workspace).
- Bug fixes
- Fixed findmin/findmax functions, NaN is now properly ignored.
1.4 - 2022/10/07
Main features of this release
- Data inspector.
New features
- Data inspector.
- Configurable page background color (in page settings).
- Filter
- New custom selection mode (checkable list instead of a slider).
- New 'multi-selection' ON/OFF flag for each filter (to allow or not multi-selection).
- Improved ID generation of data and variables (new algorithm to generate better IDs but it can break backward compatibility is some cases, but they are now customizable by user).
- Improved loading, now every sub-control is properly updated at beginning, even if there is no curve, no selection, etc.
- Active page remains unchanged when locked/unlocked, if this one is still visible of course.
- Modified the column order of every control using editable data and variables (with editable tables), unit is now located after complex part.
- Improved the PDF export, light theme is now forced, edition marks are now disabled (grid and highlight mode) and draft pages are now excluded; exported page numbers can be specified now.
- Converter
- Simplified output, no more fake data source and dataset (original parent data source and dataset name is still accessible from variables).
- Output variables are now selectable like data.
- Complex data can now remain complex (new ON/OFF flag).
- Unit of data/variables can be overloaded.
- Configurable rounding for output variables.
- Extractor
- Common name and unit instead of information given by first curve.
- New output splitting method (now based on a list of variables, and with additional capabilities like value rounding).
- Configurable rounding for output variables.
- Filter
- A filter is not disabled when there is less than two values now.
- Disabling a filter is now detectable from script (null value, even if there is less than two values).
- Import
- Radio buttons instead of a simple list in single selection mode to improve readability.
- Graph
- Y-Right axis can now be selected by user for first Y data.
- Improved 3-D grid rendering (moved axes labels outside, values can now be displayed without descriptions and vice-versa).
- Selected layer tab is now preserved when user applies settings.
- Merger
- Partial merges can be removed from result output now.
- Complex data were not managed properly.
- New output splitting method (now based on a list of variables, and with additional capabilities like value rounding).
- Configurable rounding for output variables.
- Sweep inverter
- Common name and unit instead of information given by first curve.
- New output splitting method (now based on a list of variables, and with additional capabilities like value rounding).
- Configurable rounding for output variables.
Bug fixes
- Fixed workspace files loading with external tools (7-Zip, Python, etc.).
- Fixed refresh action.
- Fixed not updated preview when locked/unlocked.
- Fixed some unexpected events, especially when workspace was locked/unlocked.
- Fixed scientific number display (not fully implemented, was replaced by engineering display).
- Advanded Filter
- Fixed minimum value not saved properly in range mode (was put to maximum).
- Extractor
- Fixed extrapolation when fixed X was outside minimum/maximum.
- Filter
- Fixed labels color when a filter was disabled.
- Fixed some ghost events.
- Graph
- Fixed loading progress with contours display (bad counting).
- Fixed contours computation with non-finite values.
- Log axis settings were not saved properly (broken contours).
- Fixed background color of exported PNG and when printing (transparent now, or white when printing, no more theme-based to avoid not really white or black colors).
- Fixed an unexpected configuration reset when graph was created from using a drag and drop from data sources tree.
- Fixed duplicated legend entries when plots were not displayed.
- Settings were not applied when only data axis was modified.
- Removed a useless information label in axes configuration tab.
- Sweep inverter
- Fixed script edition.
- Table
- Fixed non-numerical variables support in summary and pass/fail tables.
- Fixed complex variables rounding in summary and pass/fail tables.
1.3.0 - 2022/02/14
Main features of this release
- New control: slider, animation.
New features
- New control: slider, animation.
- Filter: new precision column to round values before filtering them.
- Removed some useless tests in Graph control (performance improvement).
Bug fixes
- A file was never overridden when added from a file selector ('+' button).
- Fixed restoration of tools at application startup when they are undocked and location is negative.
- Fixed a refreshment issue in button and slider controls, when its type changes (togglable for button and range for slider).
- Advanced Filter:
- Fixed precision column when value is blank (no rounding).
- Fixed precision column (blocked to 3 before, whatever specified value); column edition was also broken.
1.2.1 - 2021/06/16
New features
- Small performance boost for graphs.
- Renamed script function: date -> datetime.
- Improved output curve decorations of Merger control, an input curve without decoration is now ignored when searching for a common color or shape.
- Added support of variables for CSV files (!VAR <Id> <Type> <Value>[ <Unit>]).
- First level is now automatically selected in various tables to edit data like graph, table, etc.
- Lock Window button of graphs is no hidden by default, this can be changed in settings.
- Improved generated curves for converters, extractors and mergers; original datasource/dataset/parent curve information are now stored in additional variables (Original...) to keep a track of them.
- "str2num" script function now support a single character as input, for example: str2num('2').
- Better error messages when 'break' and 'continue' keywords are used inside a user function (and not inside a loop/switch).
Bug fixes
- Fixed non memorized path when opening a workspace file.
- Fixed skipped close confirmation message boxes when we open a workspace from outside or with drag'n'drop.
- Fixed broken loaded stroke setting when none was configured (thickness of zero), affected controls: filter, frame, graph, import, table.
- Fixed image update when image file is changed or removed will used.
- Fixed file selection in import control, if file is removed from files when selected, this one now remains checked.
- Fixed refreshment of import child controls when files are not selectable.
- Fixed some issues in CITI export: variables auto-detection, complex data extraction, removed a limitation with data size.
- Fixed non working table option 'Curve list always visible'.
- Fixed broken extrapolation in Sweep Inverted control.
- Fixed curves with less than two points in Extractor control.
- Removed logo related settings from script configuration (they are disabled in UI so they should not appear here).
- Fixed behavior of 'exit' script keyword.
- Fixed non docked tools when ESC key is pressed when undocked.
- Fixed non displayed buttons when switching between 2-D and 3-D views in graph control.
- Fixed behavior of curve information edition in controls that use this (extractor, filter, sweep inverter, wafer); no complex part was defined at information creation.
- Fixed scrolling of script view when switching control (caret at must be at top, not at bottom).
- Fixed non-memorized configuration tab when playing with graphs (window, markers, templates, buttons, etc.).
- Fixed non-synchronized settings when playing with graphs (window, markers, templates, buttons, etc.) in script view.
- Fixed wrong default X/Y data in merger (data from input, not from output).
- Fixed empty name of auto generated datasources.
- Fixed frozen graph data selection table when input curves are mixed (2D and 3D).
- Fixed data injection button in equation control.
- Fixed non opaque table header.
- Fixed CSV import: columns with same name, duplicated column names, columns named "#", name to ID conversion.
1.2.0 - 2021/04/02
This is a major update since version 1.1, although hard work has been done to maintain backward compatibility, this one is not guaranteed (user data for example).
Main features of this release
- Deployment mode and new external reader with Workspace Viewer tool.
- New controls: advanced filter, sweep inverter
- New supported file format: CITI, Maury files and MAT
New features
- Deployment mode and new external reader with Workspace Viewer tool.
- Scripting support and new related controls (script block, initialization script, script function, text field, button, check box, radio button, list).
- New controls: advanced filter, sweep inverter.
- New supported file format: CITI, Maury files and MAT (for Matlab files generated with Anteverta MT2000 system).
- Draft pages (not exported or printed when workspace is locked or deployed).
- New common control settings like location, size, visibility, etc.
- Plenty of new features in different controls; new display capabilities for graph, table, and wafer, new filtering and grouping capabilities for extractor, new visual settings for export (and support of new formats), etc.
- Added possibility to drag'n'drop a measurement file from datasources tree to workspace files.
- New notification system for console and events.
- User data have been completely reworked, there is now a new Equation control to define a user data; no more global listing.
- Some controls like filter and wafer have been completely reworked, and others like extractor and graph have been greatly improved.
- Improved configuration panel of almost all controls.
- Better support for zoom effect on pages (replaced rasterized renderers by vector renderers).
- Overhaul visual and performance improvement.
- Bug fixes
- Plenty of bug fixes in this release about Whiteboard itself, application, imports and exports, etc.