Supported Instruments

All the instruments supported by IQSTAR are referenced here.
The driver options are available in the configuration panel of each instrument:

Note: Don't forget to use the driver option "Force Identification As" when your instrument model doesn't exist but a similar model is available in the list.
Note: In the advanced driver's options menu, hovering some of the checkboxes will show a tooltip describing the impact of the corresponding option. This is mainly used in the VNAs, RF Sources and multimeters as they are the most complex to use.

Click on an instrument or a component to see the supported models. For the power supply, left part is IV generation, right part is IV measurement.

Driver AmplifierSupported Trigger SourcesSupported Power SuppliesSupported IV MeasurementSupported RF SourcesSupported Vector Network AnalyzersSupported Vector Signal AnalyzersSupported Power MetersSupported Power MetersSupported Probe StationsSupported TunersSupported Power MetersInput CouplerOutput CouplerInput & Output FixturesSupported Automatic Test EquipmentSupported Thermal ControllerInput & Output FixturesSupported I/O SwitchsSupported I/O SwitchsDUT