IVCAD MT930B1 offers a modern and intuitive visualization package for IV, S-Parameters and Load Pull data.
- Basic I(V) Viewer plots IV curves of Vd, Vg, Id, Ig and derivatives, as well as time domain data if available.
- Basic S Parameter Viewer plots S-parameters in standard and custom formats including log magnitude, linear magnitude, phase, polar, Smith Chart…
- Basic Load Pull Viewer plots impedance sweeps and power sweeps with advanced filtering capabilities
Dockable windows allow users to create and save custom IVCAD environments. Templates allow users to save their preferred visualization graphs and recall or share with colleagues. Data Editor allows users to create new parameters based on equations and visualize alongside measurement data. Export allows users to save graphs and plots as JPG or PDF files for reporting. Visualization modules are compatible with IVCAD and common commercial data formats.